Wednesday, March 28, 2007
SCJP 1.4 Notes by Snehashis Dutta
SCJP 1.4 Exam Study Notes
Java certification success
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SCJP Revision Notes by Manish Hatwalne
SCJP2 Study Notes by Jane Griscti
SCJP 5.0 Tiger Study Guide by Mikalai Zaikin
Thursday, March 22, 2007
SCJP 5.0 Study Notes by Dave Allen
Sample chapter from Java Programmer Certification Mock Exam
This Web site contains mock exams for the 1.4 version of the java programmer certification exam, 310-035.
Most of the answers include detailed explanations, so this is a great place to enhance your knowledge as well as test it.
This web site offers four exam sets containing alternative organizations of the questions. The best exam set to start with is the Study Guide 1 exam set.
Sample chapter from Sun Certified Programmer & Developer for Java 2 Study Guide
Monday, March 19, 2007
Sample chapters from The Complete Java 2 Certification Guide, Objects and Classes
Objects and Classes
Use the following url to access Objects and Classes .
Java 2 Certification Guide, Language certification
Language Fundamentals
Use the following url to access Language Fundamentals .
Sample chapters from A Programmer's Guide to Java Certification, Fundamental classes
Fundamental classes
Use the following url to access Fundamental classes .
Sample chapters from A Programmer's Guide to Java Certification, Inner Classes
Programmer's Guide to Java Certification: A Comprehensive Primer provides an extensive coverage of the Java programming language, with particular emphasis on its syntax and usage. The book is primarily intended for professionals who want to prepare for the Sun Certified Java Programmer Exam (Sun CJPE), but it is readily accessible to any programmer who wants to master the language. For both purposes, it provides an in-depth coverage of essential features of the language and its core Application Programming Interfaces (APIs).
The book helps the reader to master all features of the Java language, and this mastering of the language can culminate in accomplishing the exam. It provides an extensive coverage of all the objectives defined for the exam by Sun. Since the exam objectives are selective, they do not cover all the essential features of Java. The book provides extensive coverage of additional topics that every Java programmer should master in order to be proficient in this field. In this regard, the book is a comprehensive primer for learning the Java programming language
"Inner Classes," shows you how to write code to construct instances of any concrete class, including normal top-level classes, inner classes, static inner classes and anonymous inner classes.
To know more details please use the following url to access Inner Classes .
A Programmer's Guide to Java Certification, Language Fundamentals
Khalid A. Mughal • Rolf W. Rasmussen had written A Programmer's Guide to Java Certification to allow the reader to master the Java programming language. Mastering the language should naturally culminate in the practical goal of passing the Sun Certified Programmer for Java™ 2 Platform exam. In addition to preparing the reader thorougly for the exam, this book also provides comprehensice coverage of all the essential Java freatures and core APIs that every proficient Java programmer should master.
For more details Use the following url to access Language Fundamentals .
The JavaTM 2 Platform, Micro Edition (J2METM)is the Java platform for consumer and embedded devices such as mobile phones, PDAs,TV set-top boxes, in-vehicle telematics systems,and a broad range of embedded devices.Like its enterprise (J2EETM), desktop (J2SETM)and smart card (Java CardTM) counterparts,the J2ME platform is a set of standard JavaAPIs defined through the Java Community ProcessSM program by expert groups thatinclude leading device manufacturers, software vendors and service providers.
The J2ME platform delivers the power and benefits of Java technology tailored for consumer and embedded devices — including a flexible user interface, robust security model, broad range of built-in network protocols, and support for networked and disconnected applications. With J2ME,applications are written once for a wide range of devices, are downloaded dynamically,and leverage each device's native capabilities.
The J2ME platform is deployed on millions of devices — from mobile phones, to PDAs,to automotive devices — supported by leading Java technology tools vendors, and used by companies worldwide. In short, it is the platform of choice for today's consumer and embedded devices.
The J2ME Architecture
The J2ME architecture defines configurations,profiles and optional packages as elements for building complete Java runtime environmentsthat meet the requirements for a broad range of devices and target markets. Each combination is optimized for the memory, processing power,and I/O capabilities of a related category of devices. The result is a common Java platform that fully leverages each type of device to deliver a rich user experience.
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
J2EE 1.4 Tutorial
The language itself derives much of its syntax from C and C++ but has a simpler object model and fewer low-level facilities. JavaScript, a scripting language, shares a similar name and has similar syntax, but is not directly related to Java.
The Java Tutorial Use the following url to access The Java Tutorial .
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
J2EE Platform Specification 1.4
SCJA Exam Objectives
Section 1: Fundamental Object-Oriented Concepts
- Describe, compare, and contrast primitives (integer, floating point, boolean, and character), enumeration types, and objects.
- Describe, compare, and contrast concrete classes, abstract classes, and interfaces, and how inheritance applies to them.
- Describe, compare, and contrast class compositions, and associations (including multiplicity: (one-to-one, one-to-many, and many-to-many), and association navigation.
- Describe information hiding (using private attributes and methods), encapsulation, and exposing object functionality using public methods; and describe the JavaBeans conventions for setter and getter methods.
- Describe polymorphism as it applies to classes and interfaces, and describe and apply the "program to an interface" principle
Section 2: UML Representation of Object-Oriented Concepts
- Recognize the UML representation of classes, (including attributes and operations, abstract classes, and interfaces), the UML representation of inheritance (both implementation and interface), and the UML representation of class member visibility modifiers (-/private and +/public).
- Recognize the UML representation of class associations, compositions, association multiplicity indicators, and association navigation indicators.
Section 3: Java Implementation of Object-Oriented Concepts
- Notes: code examples may use the 'new' operator.
- Develop code that uses primitives, enumeration types, and object references, and recognize literals of these types.
- Develop code that declares concrete classes, abstract classes, and interfaces, code that supports implementation and interface inheritance, code that declares instance attributes and methods, and code that uses the Java access modifiers: private and public.
- Develop code that implements simple class associations, code that implements multiplicity using arrays, and recognize code that implements compositions as opposed to simple associations, and code that correctly implements association navigation.
- Develop code that uses polymorphism for both classes and interfaces, and recognize code that uses the "program to an interface" principle.
Section 4: Algorithm Design and Implementation
- Describe, compare, and contrast these three fundamental types of statements: assignment, conditional, and iteration, and given a description of an algorithm, select the appropriate type of statement to design the algorithm.
- Given an algorithm as pseudo-code, determine the correct scope for a variable used in the algorithm, and develop code to declare variables in any of the following scopes: instance variable, method parameter, and local variable.
- Given an algorithm as pseudo-code, develop method code that implements the algorithm using conditional statements (if and switch), iteration statements (for, for-each, while, and do-while), assignment statements, and break and continue statements to control the flow within switch and iteration statements.
- Given an algorithm with multiple inputs and an output, develop method code that implements the algorithm using method parameters, a return type, and the return statement, and recognize the effects when object references and primitives are passed into methods that modify them.
- Given an algorithm as pseudo-code, develop code that correctly applies the appropriate operators including assignment operators (limited to: =, +=, -=), arithmetic operators (limited to: +, -, *, /, %, ++, --), relational operators (limited to: <, <=, >, >=, ==, !=), logical operators (limited to: !, &&, ) to produce a desired result. Also, write code that determines the equality of two objects or two primitives.
- Develop code that uses the concatenation operator (+), and the following methods from class String: charAt, indexOf, trim, substring, replace, length, startsWith, and endsWith.
Section 5: Java Development Fundamentals
- Describe the purpose of packages in the Java language, and recognize the proper use of import and package statements.
- Demonstrate the proper use of the "javac" command (including the command-line options: -d and –classpath), and demonstrate the proper use of the "java" command (including the command-line options: -classpath, -D and –version).
- Describe the purpose and types of classes for the following Java packages: java.awt, javax.swing,,, java.util.
Section 6: Java Platforms and Integration Technologies
- Distinguish the basic characteristics of the three Java platforms: J2SE, J2ME, and J2EE, and given a high-level architectural goal, select the appropriate Java platform or platforms.
- Describe at a high level the benefits and basic characteristics of RMI.
- Describe at a high level the benefits and basic characteristics of JDBC, SQL, and RDBMS technologies.
- Describe at a high level the benefits and basic characteristics of JNDI, messaging, and JMS technologies.
Section 7: Client Technologies
- Describe at a high level the basic characteristics, benefits and drawbacks of creating thin-clients using HTML and JavaScript and the related deployment issues and solutions.
- Describe at a high level the basic characteristics, benefits, drawbacks, and deployment issues related to creating clients using J2ME midlets.
- Describe at a high level the basic characteristics, benefits, drawbacks, and deployment issues related to creating fat-clients using Applets.
- Describe at a high level the basic characteristics, benefits, drawbacks, and deployment issues related to creating fat-clients using Swing.
Section 8: Server Technologies
- Describe at a high level the basic characteristics of: EJB, servlets, JSP, JMS, JNDI, SMTP, JAX-RPC, Web Services (including SOAP, UDDI, WSDL, and XML), and JavaMail.
- Describe at a high level the basic characteristics of servlet and JSP support for HTML thin-clients.
- Describe at a high level the use and basic characteristics of EJB session, entity and message-driven beans.
- Describe at a high level the fundamental benefits and drawbacks of using J2EE server-side technologies, and describe and compare the basic characteristics of the web-tier, business-tier, and EIS tier.
SCJA Revision Notes by Whizlabs
Whizlabs has helped over 500,000 people in getting certified and advancing their careers at a whopping success rate of 99.7%. The best practices and standards like ISO 9001:2000 have been implemented to achieve this high rate of success and unmatched quality.
To know more details for SCJA Revision Notes by Whizlabs Use the following url to access SCJA Revision Notes by Whizlabs .
SCJA Study Notes by Oliver Chua
UML study guide for the SCJA exam
UML is officially defined at the Object Management Group (OMG) by the UML metamodel, a Meta-Object Facility metamodel (MOF). Like other MOF-based specifications, the UML metamodel and UML models may be serialized in XMI. UML was designed to specify, visualize, construct, and document software-intensive systems. A complete study guide is available at the following link FREE.
Use the following url to access UML study guide for the SCJA exam .